How does Happy Hour with Live Stream work?

How does Happy Hour with Live Stream work?

During Happy Hour, creators can enable live streaming. Opting for this feature showcases their video content on full-screen, crafting a deeply immersive experience for viewers.

The number of viewers will be displayed as an indicator, and the creator can see messages sent by viewers on the screen.

Creators can seamlessly respond to these messages either vocally within the video or through text, visible on the left side of the screen.

Furthermore, users are empowered to initiate direct video calls with the creator via a prominent call-to-action button. Upon receiving a call, the creator is promptly notified and can promptly join the video conversation. During the video call, the streaming pauses to prioritize the interaction. Following its conclusion, the creator can effortlessly resume the stream for the remainder of Happy Hour.

Live streaming is only available during Happy Hour and can be optional for creators who prefer to use text messages only.