Content not allowed on Flirtback

Content not allowed on Flirtback

Flirtback is a safe space for all, and to protect our content creators and our content viewers, we adhere to certain standards.

Content restrictions can be found in our Terms of Use. Breaching content restrictions will result in a closing (ban) of your account, and all funds will be withheld. Below is a summary of restricted content (make sure to check out terms of use for the most up-to-date list).

  • Restricted content. No obscene or defamatory material, such as but not limited to images and videos of child sexual abuse, content that advocates terrorist acts, content that promotes, incites, or instructs in crime or violence, and footage of actual violence, cruelty, and criminal activity.
  • External Information. As per the guidelines, sharing external information such as social media links, payment methods, or external platform links is prohibited.
  • Couples Content. Only the verified creator should appear in the content uploaded and shared on Flirtback. Other individuals are not allowed in the content uploaded. This also applies to content with visible people in the background.
  • Animals. Content containing animals is not allowed.
  • Watermark: Content must not contain any watermarks, as FlirtBack applies its own watermark to all content.